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Os quatro modelos de «intra-empreendedorismo» O MELHOR DE MIT Sloan Management Review Os quatro modelos de "intra-empreendedorismo" Robert C. Wolcott* e Michael J. Lippitz

TITLE: The four models of corporate entrepreneurship ABSTRACT: How can established organizations build successful new businesses on an ongoing basis? In their study of nearly 30 corporations as diverse as Google, DuPont and Cargill, the authors identified two dimensions under the direct control of management that consistently differentiated how companies approach corporate entrepreneurship. The first is organizational ownership; the second is resource authority. Together the two dimensions generate a matrix with four basic models of corporate entrepreneurship: the opportunistic, the enabler, the advocate and the producer. Each of the four models has a different objective, function and set of challenges. Which ever model is chosen, the crucial thing to remember is that corporate entrepreneurship needs to be nurtured and managed as a strategic, deliberate act.

Key words:Corporate Entrepreneurship, Strategy, Matrix

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* Robert C. Wolcott é professor associado de inovação e empreendedorismo e Michael J. Lippitz é investigador, ambos no Center for Research in Technology and Innovation na Kellogg School of Management, na Universidade Northwestern, em Evanston, Illinois, Estados Unidos. Wolcott é também co-fundador da consultora da estratégia Clareo PartnersLLC. Pode contactar os autores pelo e- mail: smrfeedback@mit.edu.

Robert C. Wolcott is a fellow and adjunct assistant professor of innovation and entrepreneurship and Michael J. Lippitz is a research fellow with the Center for Research in Technology and Innovation at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, in Evanston, Illinois. Wolcott is also a cofounder of the strategic consultancy ClareoPartners LLC. Contact the authors through: smrfeedback@mit.edu.

Traduzido e adaptado de "The Four Models of Corporate Entrepreneurship", de Robert C. Wolcott e www.groupadventus.com Michael J. Lippitz, MIT Sloan Management Review (Outono 2007, vol. 49, n.º 1, pp. 81- 84), com autorização do editor. Tradução e adaptação por Grupo Adventus ().

Translated and adapted from "The Four Models of Corporate Entrepreneurship", of Robert C. Wolcott, MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall 2007, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 75-82), authorizedby the editor. Translation by www.groupadventus.com.

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